Wednesday, October 31, 2007


This comes from a wonderful website They have TONS of information on the Sabbats, rituals, crafts and even recipes. I will try and post a few more as the day goes on and probably some into tomorrow too.

Samhain (pronounced SOW-in, SAH-vin, or SAM-hayne) is one of the Greater Wiccan Sabbats and is generally celebrated on October 31st, although some Traditions prefer the date of November 1st.

The symbolism of this Sabbat is that of The Third (and final) Harvest, it marks the end of Summer, the beginning of Winter. It is a time marked by death when the Dead are honored - a time to celebrate and "study" the Dark Mysteries. "Samhain" means "End of Summer" and its historical origin is The Feast of the Dead in Celtic lands. For it is believed that on this night, the veil Between the Worlds is at its thinnest point, making this an excellent time to communicate with the Other Side.

Symbols for representing this Sabbat may include Jack-O-Lanterns, Balefires, Masks, The Besom (Magickal Broom), The Cauldron, and the Waning Moon. Altar decorations might include small jack-o-lanterns, foods from the harvest, and photographs of your loved ones who have departed from this world.

Appropriate Deities for Samhain include ALL Crone Goddesses, and the Dying God or the "Dead" God. Samhain Goddesses include Hecate, Hel, Inanna, Macha, Mari, Psyche, Ishtar, Lilith, The Morrigu/Morrigan, Rhiannon, and Cerridwen. Key actions to keep in mind during this time in the Wheel of the Year include return, change, reflection, endings and beginnings, and honoring the Dead. Other meanings behind this Sabbat celebration include the Wisdom of the Crone, the Death of the God, and the Celebration of Reincarnation.

Samhain is considered by many Pagans, Wiccans, and Witches (especially those of Celtic heritage) to be the date of the Witches' New Year, representing one full turn of the Wheel of the Year. This is the time of year for getting rid of weaknesses. A common Ritual practice calls for each Wiccan to write down his/her weaknesses on a piece of paper or parchment and toss it into the Cauldron fire. Other activities might include Divination, Past-Life Recall, Spirit Contact, Meditation, Astral Projection ("Flying"), and the drying of Winter herbs. It is considered "taboo" by some to travel after dark, or to eat grapes or berries.

Spellwork for protection and neutralizing harm are particularly warranted at this time of year, because Samhain is considered to be a good time to boost your confidence and security.

Many Witches use their own personal Besom, or Magickal Broom as a part of their rituals. Some Besoms are structurally different in shape from the flat ones sold today, being round on the end and having a smaller sweeping surface. They can, however, be fashioned flat or however you personally desire. These Magickal Brooms are commonly used for cleansing and purifying Sacred Space, but can be used for many other things... such as using one in place of a Wand, Athame, or finger to project your personal energy when casting your Circle.

Dates: October 31, early November

Colors: black, orange, indigoTools: votive candles, magic mirror, cauldron, pumpkins, divination tools

Energy: death & transformation;

Wiccan new year goddesses: Crone, Hecate

Gods: Horned Hunter, Cernnunos, AnubisRituals: honoring ancestors, releasing old, foreseeing future, understanding death and rebirth.

Customs: jack o'lanterns, spirit plate, ancestor altar, divination, costumes

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Samhain Crafts - Making your own Besom

So I decided to post two crafts today. This one is for Making a Besom.

You are going to need a 4 ft. dowel about 1 inch in diameter. A ball of twine, scissors and straw or other pliable herb stock

You want to take the straw or herb stock you've chosen and soak it overnight in luke warm salted water. I tend to use Sea Salt but that's a personal preference. The reason you are doing this is the water is going to soak into the straw and make it swell up. That will make it easier to bend without it breaking. You are using the salt to dispel any of the energy that was attached to it and cleanse it. When you are reasy remove the stalks from the water and let them dry for a little bit. Not too much though because you don't want them to break when you bend them.

Place the dowel rod on the table and start lining the stalks along the dowel about 3 inches from the bottom, moving backwards. Start binding the stalks to the dowel with the twine and tie securely. At this point it's up to your discretion on how many layers you want to do. This is your Besom. The more layers the fuller it will be.

When your stalks are secure bend the top stalks down over the binding. When you have bent it all over secure it again with more twine a couple inches under the first binding. Allow to air dry for a day or two. Then the dowel can be stained, painted, whatever you want to do to make it personally yours.

Remember to concecrate and charge your Besom at the next full moon.

Samhain Crafts

Tomorrow is Samhain (pronounced SOW-in, SAH-vin, or SAM-hayne) It is the third and final harvest in the cycle of the year. (Although some do celebrate it on November 1st. I wanted to post a craft that is good for this particular Sabbat. Tomorrow I will post more information on the Sabbat itself and some ritual ideas and possibly a little of what I plan on doing myself...Other then take the kids trick or treating.

This particular craft is for a Samhain Door Wreath. Great for big and little witches alike.

Materials: You are going to need things from nature. Go on a nature walk with the kids. Collect Acorns (With and without caps), pinecones, leaves, larger seeds you might find. Even bunches of berries (Make sure little ones don't put these in their mouth) . Cardboard - You are going to cut this out to look like a wreath. A 13" - 15" diameter is usually a good size, don't forget to cuut the hole in the center. Some fine wire and a nail.

Once you have gone on your nature walk bring all the great things you have gathered home. Make sure to teach any little ones to Thank the plants for any gifts they take and to only take what is needed. Together you can decide where you want the items to go on the cardboard. You want to wrap the wire around the item you are attaching and poke two hole in the cardboard with the wire to fasten it. Then you want to twist it in the back like a twist tie. Keep placing your objects on the cardboard until none is showing. Then, hang the wreath on the front door with a nail. It's as easy as that.

If any of the little ones ask why you are doing this project, explain that "wreaths of bounty" used to symbolize giving thanks for a prosperous year and an invitation for others less fortunate to share in the good fortune.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Getting things set up

Yes well I blame it all on's all her fault. I'm in the process of starting to make this place look presentable. At the moment it's far from it. I shall have to tackle Sadie tonight and pick her brain. I don't really want one of the premade templates for this. I want something that will reflect what the blog itself is for. Which is exploring my journey as I study, learn more and put the things I learn into practice. Slowly but surely this place shall come together. And when I have something at my disposal other then MSPaint to work with I'll work on a better logo...I like the general layout I have right now but it needs work. and possibly a spreadsheet to keep track of everything I want to touch on here...