Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Worldless Wednesday

Young Love

So you are probably wondering what this has to do with Beltane right? Well this shell was given to my Youngest son P from a girl at the daycare where he currently goes. She's a little bit older but is completely infatuated with him. When I dropped him off this morning she was blushing when he came in. And that has a lot to do with Beltane...young love...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Beltane Craft

Fairy Furniture

May is a month that fairies love. Show them your appreciation and give the kids a great project by making them some furniture!
Items needed:
twigs, vines, dried flowers
needle and thread
scrap material
hot glue gun-be sure little fingers are safe!
pruners to cut the twigs-again watch those little fingers


Decide what you're going to make. We'll make a chair, to give you an example. Cut the twigs in this manner - one long, bendable piece that will form the back legs and back of the chair, and four equal lengthen twigs which will form the two front legs and the seat. The chair should stand no more than four inches tall (including the back)

Bend the long twig and hot glue one of the smaller pieces in between the two ends where you want the seat to be. This will be the back of the seat. Hot glue on each side of the bent twig facing towards you a smaller twig; these will be the sides of the seat. Glue the front piece of the seat to these side twigs. Glue the two front legs to the seat so that the chair legs are even. If you wish, wrap the vines around the chair back and legs. Cut the scrap material to form a "back" and a "seat" - these are NOT to be as wide as the chair, but will fit inside of the twigs. Using your needle and thread, attach the material to the chair using a whip stitch. Hot glue small dried flowers at the top of the chair. This technique can be used to make all kinds of fairy furniture, from tables to beds, to sofas - all of which are sure to delight your fairies as much as your children!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Beltane Recipe

Beltane is this week and it is one of my FAVORITE sabbats (Hubby's too...hehe) So this week I want to try and get as much info up about Beltane as possible :)

Oat Cakes

Here is a tasty way to enjoy traditional Beltane oats.

1 1/2 cups oat flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup butter
1 egg
1 cup mashed banana
1 3/4 cup rolled oats
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp each nutmeg and cinnamon
Preheat your oven to 350F. Stir the flour, baking powder, and brown sugar together until well blended. Cut in butter, and then add egg and fruit. Drop filled tablespoons of dough onto a greased cookie sheet, leaving 2 inches between each.

Bake 15 min.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Weekly Winners 04/20 - 04/26/08

For the week of 04/20-04/26/08
Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the wonderfully Sarcastic Mom, Lotus




Saturday, April 26, 2008

Herb show and horoscope

The herb show today was WONDERFUL!! SIL and I walked around and looked at all the different booths and herbs, vegetables and flowers. We picked up some Basil, Chives, Parsley, Peppermint and rosemary. After that we went to Elwood Thompson, the Aquarian Bookstore and Avenue. All in all it was a great day.

I am one happy witch

And talk about fitting for today...

Today's Pisces Horoscope: Apr 26, 2008
This is a terrific day for you, dear Pisces, and you will find that there is a great deal of power at your disposal. This is a day of new beginnings. You have the opportunity now to start over and create a solid emotional base from which to work. Rid yourself of negative feelings and self-doubt. Use this day as an opportunity to strike out on new ground and achieve whatever you set your heart on

Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy Witch

I am one happy witch right now. Tomorrow my SIL is going with me to the Herbs Galore show!! This means I get fresh herbs tomorrow. I is a happy witch. Happy happy happy :) I get to get some kitcen herbs and some witchy herbs. Yes Definitely a happy witch.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Random facts about me (ie can't come up with anything else)

1. I was Raised Roman Catholic. Yes this witch started out with the teachings of Cathol (sorry I think i live with Eddie izzard stuck in my head)

2. I am Irish, Italian, German and Polish. Talk about your combination. Growing up the Italian and Irish was heavily stressed...the polish more then I was clumsy.

3. I was the perfect little Catholic kid. As a child I LOVED going to church. I looked forward to it. I couldn't wait for Sundays to come so we could go to church.

4. When I was put on Birth Control for an out of control monthly cycle at age 14 I cried for a week because I was sure I was going to hell. (now I'm pretty sure if there is such thing as hell I'm driving the bus)

5. The entire family went to church together. When I say entire I mean. Me, Parents, my brother. Both sets of Grandparents, my Great Aunt (my Nanny's sister) and various cousins if they were in the area.

6. The entire family then went from Church to my Nanny and Poppy's house for Sunday dinner.

7. I knew how to make a Screwdriver, Gin and Tonic, and Vodka, Diet Pepsi and who drank what beer in the family by the time I was 5. (No I'm not joking.) You didn't even think of trying it because was a grown up drink. I guess since it wasn't a taboo thing I never really thought about it.

8. I learned at an early age never to say the following words at a family gathering, "Anybody want anything while I'm up?" That usually was followed up with a long list of drinks that was wanted and you would spend the next 30 minutes getting them all.

9. Trying to dip bread in the spaghetti sauce as you snuck into the kitchen usually resulted in a swat on the ass with a wooden spoon.

10. As a kid is my brother and I were about to get in trouble. My Poppy (Dad's dad) would take us out of the house and we would walk across the street to get an Italian Ice or down a few block and go to the Carvel shop (The real original Carvel shops not the crap they sell in supermarkets now. I had Flying Saucers made to order)

11. My Nanny and Poppy's house was not only on a 6 lane very busy street in Queens, NY. But Next door was a Funeral Parlour. I grew up constantly smelling Eucalyptus and Gladiolas.

12. Growing up we walked everywhere. We only had the one car and Dad took that to work. My Mom walked us to school every day (you couldn't take the bus after 2nd grade)

13. Right now I would do anything for one of those walks with my Poppy for ice cream...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

No tools

No tools post today I'm not feeling all that great. My body hates me at the moment. hopefully better updates coming...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Birthday lil Miss K

Happy Birthday lil Miss K. The little girl that surprised us all with her presence. I can't believe you are 2 already. Have a wonderful day. We love you.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Princess M

Happy Birthday Princess M. I can't believe you are already 3. Time goes by WAY too fast

Friday, April 18, 2008

Up and down and all around

Well the internet here isn't exactly behaving very well at all. It's been up and down...mostly down today. Not much to report. Have a chicken in the crock pot making some broth. Made some yummy shrimp sauted in oil and garlic over pasta tonight for dinner. Tomorrow is another day. Hopefully the Comcast guy will fix it and we won't have this issue anymore.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen things I did this week instead of blog

1. I made bagels - Yes that's right I made my own fresh bagels (I have pics for weekly winners)

2. Snuggled on the couch with my hubby while we had no internet Monday night and watched The Riches

3. Snuggled with the kids on the couch and watched Alvin and the Chipmunks ( me please)

4. Attempted to "find my desk" - I swear its under all this crap somewhere

5. Laundry - Yeah not exactly spectacular

6. Tried a recipe for a low salt "mexican lasagna" - surprisingly not bad and the kids want it again.

7. Actually sat at the kitcen table all together and ate dinner while we talked about what the boys did in school.

8. More laundry

9. Worried about Sadie, E and K....a lot

10. Looked for more things to make on this modified diet I have to keep

11. Searched another store for more sodium free stuff

12. Prayed to the Goddess for Guidance

13. Tried to come up with something more exciting for today's Thursday Thirteen but as you didn't

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Weekly Winners 04/06 - 04/12/08

For the week of 04/06-04/12/08
Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the wonderfully Sarcastic Mom, Lotus

Again slow week for pictures. I've been busy doing a lot of research for stuff for my other blog which I will post the link for soon.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

13 things that are good right now

I've had a lot of time to dwell on negative things lately so I think it's time to point out some of the positive.

1. My Children - Although I may not have P here at home with me as much as I want he is still here some of the time. Those boys push me harder to be a better person so that Mommy can be someone they can look up to.

2. My Hubby - My greenman. OMG does he put up with a lot of shit from But he does and he loves me and even if we argue there is no question about that fact. No matter what he's there to pick me up when I fall.

3. Sadie, My BFF Like you said distance doesn't define a relationship. I'm positive we were sisters in another life. We click we mesh, I know no matter what you will be honest with me even if I don't want to hear it at the moment. You smack me when i need it the most.

4. My Home - My boys and I have a roof over our heads. We have a place to sleep, we have a home. For the first time since I moved out of my parent's place...I have a home...not just a house...but a real home. One filled with love and not fear and regret.

5. My Friends - The honest and true ones that are there no matter what and tell you you are being an idiot when you are.

6. My Family - I don't think I would have survived those few years during the divorce without them.

7. My In-laws - Same as above they have helped keep me sane here while my family tried to help from a distance.

8. Tara - I've mentioned her before. She one of the strongest witches I have ever met. She is a mentor, a teacher and a friend. She makes me want to learn more and be a better witch.

9. What hearing I have left - Yes I know it sounds odd, but right now I still can hear so I need to be thankful for what I can hear as opposed to wallowing in what I can't. (Some days are harder then others)

10. The Goddess and The God and the gifts they give us every day. You can feel them on the breeze or see them in the trees. You may not see them at all....but they are there.

11. My Life - Yes it's had ups and downs....but life is always going to be a roller coaster...but right now I still get to ride that roller coaster...

12. The wonderful ladies I read on my Bloglist. You guys give me something to look forward to every day to read. You let us in on your lives and I'm greatful for that.

13. A shower - Yes I know it seems like a silly thing to be thankful for. but tonight I got to take an actualy shower. Not the "in and out" because you have to be somewhere. The kids were in bed and I got to take my time and relax. (hey sometimes it's the lil things)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tools of the Trade - Your Surroundings

Yes I know it' sounds weird but where you are can effect your ritual, spell or gathering just like anything else. If it's loud and you can't concentrate then it could be very hard to meditate. Try and make sure that where you are fits in with what it is you are trying to accomplish. Trying to do a past life regression while the kids are running around just won't work. You probably won't ever get to that meditative state that you need. So think about where you are before you start your work :)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Manic Monday

Not a whole lot to report today. I spent a good portion of my day on the phone with various people and agencies for various things. And I was working on the layout for a new blog I am going to be writing on. I will link it here when it is up an ready to go, right now it's still in the designing stage. But will shed some more light on this post Once I post the link if you wish to read great...if not I need it to keep myself sane.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Weekly Winners 03/30 - 04/05/08

For the week of 03/30-04/05/08
Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the wonderfully Sarcastic Mom, Lotus

Not a lot of picture taking this week. All three (obviously the same cake :) )Are from a cake I made yesterday for my MILs Red Hat Meeting. It was their Queen's Birthday and another woman was going from a pink hat to a Red hat.

(And yes my house is 30 years old. MIL was the original owner and now hubby and I live here. That is an original Harvest gold stove...we have the diswasher to match)

Friday, April 4, 2008

An Open Letter from a Witch:

This was posted on a group I belong to. It is a little long but I think it's worth the read :)

An Open Letter from a Witch:

I am a witch. I do not worship Satan; I am not interested in Satan. Satan was invented by the Christians. Satanism is a form of Christianity. I am not a Christian. I don't go to church on Sunday. Jesus is NOT my savior. He was simply a holy man who lived 2,000 years ago. I am not afraid of going to Hell because I don't believe in Hell any more than I believe in Satan. I believe in reincarnation; that I will come back to this world or another and live out another life. I am not evil. Telling people I am a "good witch" or asking me if I am a good witch implies that there are evil witches. There are evil people in the world and there are people who chose to work with the forces of nature in a way that harms others; those people are NOT witches. The central law of being a witch is: "if it harms none, do as you will." Please don't ask me about sacrificing cats or desecrating churches. I love my cats! And I don't go into churches or synagogues unless a friend from that religion invites me to some special occasion. And if I DO enter a church, I am not struck by lightning. If a Christian or a Jew or a Buddhist came to a pagan ritual, our gods would not strike them dead either. Isn't that something to think about? Wearing a pentacle is no different than wearing a cross, crucifix, or Star of David. If you want me to take off the symbol of MY religion (and Wicca is a religion, protected by the same First Amendment rights as other religions) because it's offensive, you need to make everyone of every religion do that. The five points of the star signify the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire &; Water, and the fifth point is Spirit; encircled by the World. How that can offend anyone boggles my little pagan mind. An image of a tortured, dying man is more offensive, yet thousands of people openly wear crucifixes every day. Please don't ask me if I'm in a "coven" in that half-horrified, half-fascinated tone of voice. If I want to talk about my coven, I will bring it up. If I am a solitary practitioner, I have no coven to discuss. In any case, our rituals have candles, food, drink, poetry, dancing...yes, there is a knife but it only cuts the air, not anyone's flesh. I don't drink blood. I am not some kind of vampire. I wear black because it keeps negativity away and to tell the looks better on me than pink, orange and purple polka dots! If you want to ask me something related to MY religion, ask me when the next full moon is. Or the next blue moon Or what a blue moon IS! Ask me about herbs. Crystals, Healing, Even ask me to make you a love potion. I don't cast spells on other people and I won't cast a spell on you to make you prettier, thinner, more desirable. I won't cast a spell on your quarry to make him/her love you. Trust me, you don't want that, you don't want the Karma that involves and neither do I! That's a form of manipulation, taking away someone's power, infringing on their free will. Not nice at all. I also won't cast a binding spell to make someone STOP doing something to you. Spell work is about co-creation. A witch works with universal energy, with the Gods, to tilt the engine of probability somewhat. Need money? Don't try to ensorcel your boss to give you a raise. Simply ask the universe to increase the flow of abundance in your direction. That infringes on NO ONE's free will. Giving me a book about the Burning Times is like giving a book on The Holocaust to a Jewish person. It's not funny and is rude! Yes, I do go to Salem, but not because any of those poor executed people were witches(the jury is still out on some of them), but because there's cool pagan shops there. If there were cool pagan shops in a town called East Cowflop, I'd go there as well! Don't try to make me ashamed of who I worship and what I am. Please don't try to convert me or "save" me. Don't throw holy water on me. Don't leave little pamphlets on my desk or windshield. I don't need to be saved. Witches are proud of the fact that we don't recruit people to become witches. We simply ARE and those around us see how we think, how we act and our inner peace and only when someone says "how do I become a witch?" do we take them into the fold with us. I will NEVER leave a religious tract with anyone. I don't have one, unless you count this letter. I am not asking you to convert. I am only asking you to please understand.

If you don't want to understand, well then just leave me alone

~Author unknown~

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Well I've been pondering and decided to put up a list of my favorite Witches in TV or movies. Now these are in no particular order. And yes there are Disney Witchs on this list. I have 2 kids and Disney is a staple in this house. I'm watching these shows with them and they are pretty cute. It was hard to get it down to 13 but here they are:

1. The Craft

2. Practical Magic

3. The Harry Potter Series

4. Bewitched

6. The Witches of Eastwick

7. The Wizards of Waverly Place

8. Hocus Pocus

9. The Wizard of Oz

10. Sabrina the Teenage Witch

11. Giles, Tara and Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

12. The Twitches Series

13. The Halloweentown Series

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Not so Wordless Wednesday

I know today was supposed to be Wordless Wednesday. Well if I had been consistently posting lately it would have been. But today I can't be quiet. Today I recieved a huge blow. Now stop right there before you read on. I don't want pity. I just need to get this out somewhere in the hopes that maybe...someone will understand where I'm coming from. There is a lot more going on then I really want to get in to right now...but the basis of my struggle at the moment is I was told I have significant hearing loss in my right ear.

It's been since before Valentine's Day that I was able to hear anything like I used to. It's not going to get any better...ever. In fact it's going to get worse. More likely sooner rather then later I'm going to completely lose all hearing in that ear. As of right now it feels like I can't hear anything in that ear unless you are right on top of my ear.

What does all this mean? I don't know. Tonight it felt like the end of the world. Sitting there with my little boy next to me and because of the way I was sitting I could see his lips moving. But I couldn't hear him. I couldn't hear my little boy tell me he loved me. How long until it's completely gone? I don't know. Yes I know there are things like hearing aids...but they are expensive and money isn't something I have a lot of right now and insurance won't cover it.

The rules of a Witch's life...Harm ye non, do as thy will and you get back what you send out three fold. Something I did in the past has come back on me and this is the form it is taking...

Where's the silver lining in that?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tools of the Trade - Ritual Bath Salts

Ritual Bath salts are a wonderful way to cleanse yourself inside and out before performing a ritual. It's actually a rite in and of itself. Take bath salts that you want to use and fill up the tub. Light some candles, play some soft music...whatever works for you. Visualize the water cleansing you of all negativity. Most of all...RELAX. Feel yourself being cleansed of the negative energy. Think about the ritual you are about to perform. When you are ready (and possibly quite pruney, pull the plug. Stay there untill all the water has drained and picture the negative energy goign down the drain and and into the earth where it's grounded.