Monday, December 31, 2007

Was debating on...

...if I was going to try blog 365. As we can all see I haven't done so well for December for the blogging. I made it all through November, but December...well I didn't do so well. I completely gave in to the need to go inward as I tend to do during this part of the year. I usually draw myself in away from everything else much like the earth as everything continues going through the wheel of the year. Which has always struck me as funny with the holidays and the hustle and bustle being in December with it being human nature...well nature in general to retreat and renew. Yeah...I'm babbling....sorry.

Anyway I was debating it and thinking more and more that I wasn't going to do it. I sat her this morning thinking why on earth would I do it...I mean...who reads my blog anyway. I talk to Sadie just about every day and yeah I know I need to give the support to my BFF as she tries for 365 but...but....but....

Well the excuses kept coming and then I logged into blogger and there was a comment from
Linda saying that she learns so much from my blog.

So...thank you Linda and Sadie for giving me the push I needed to attempt and take on this insane quest!!

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