Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Not so Wordless Wednesday

I know today was supposed to be Wordless Wednesday. Well if I had been consistently posting lately it would have been. But today I can't be quiet. Today I recieved a huge blow. Now stop right there before you read on. I don't want pity. I just need to get this out somewhere in the hopes that maybe...someone will understand where I'm coming from. There is a lot more going on then I really want to get in to right now...but the basis of my struggle at the moment is I was told I have significant hearing loss in my right ear.

It's been since before Valentine's Day that I was able to hear anything like I used to. It's not going to get any better...ever. In fact it's going to get worse. More likely sooner rather then later I'm going to completely lose all hearing in that ear. As of right now it feels like I can't hear anything in that ear unless you are right on top of my ear.

What does all this mean? I don't know. Tonight it felt like the end of the world. Sitting there with my little boy next to me and because of the way I was sitting I could see his lips moving. But I couldn't hear him. I couldn't hear my little boy tell me he loved me. How long until it's completely gone? I don't know. Yes I know there are things like hearing aids...but they are expensive and money isn't something I have a lot of right now and insurance won't cover it.

The rules of a Witch's life...Harm ye non, do as thy will and you get back what you send out three fold. Something I did in the past has come back on me and this is the form it is taking...

Where's the silver lining in that?

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