Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Random facts about me (ie can't come up with anything else)

1. I was Raised Roman Catholic. Yes this witch started out with the teachings of Cathol (sorry I think i live with Eddie izzard stuck in my head)

2. I am Irish, Italian, German and Polish. Talk about your combination. Growing up the Italian and Irish was heavily stressed...the polish more then I was clumsy.

3. I was the perfect little Catholic kid. As a child I LOVED going to church. I looked forward to it. I couldn't wait for Sundays to come so we could go to church.

4. When I was put on Birth Control for an out of control monthly cycle at age 14 I cried for a week because I was sure I was going to hell. (now I'm pretty sure if there is such thing as hell I'm driving the bus)

5. The entire family went to church together. When I say entire I mean. Me, Parents, my brother. Both sets of Grandparents, my Great Aunt (my Nanny's sister) and various cousins if they were in the area.

6. The entire family then went from Church to my Nanny and Poppy's house for Sunday dinner.

7. I knew how to make a Screwdriver, Gin and Tonic, and Vodka, Diet Pepsi and who drank what beer in the family by the time I was 5. (No I'm not joking.) You didn't even think of trying it because was a grown up drink. I guess since it wasn't a taboo thing I never really thought about it.

8. I learned at an early age never to say the following words at a family gathering, "Anybody want anything while I'm up?" That usually was followed up with a long list of drinks that was wanted and you would spend the next 30 minutes getting them all.

9. Trying to dip bread in the spaghetti sauce as you snuck into the kitchen usually resulted in a swat on the ass with a wooden spoon.

10. As a kid is my brother and I were about to get in trouble. My Poppy (Dad's dad) would take us out of the house and we would walk across the street to get an Italian Ice or down a few block and go to the Carvel shop (The real original Carvel shops not the crap they sell in supermarkets now. I had Flying Saucers made to order)

11. My Nanny and Poppy's house was not only on a 6 lane very busy street in Queens, NY. But Next door was a Funeral Parlour. I grew up constantly smelling Eucalyptus and Gladiolas.

12. Growing up we walked everywhere. We only had the one car and Dad took that to work. My Mom walked us to school every day (you couldn't take the bus after 2nd grade)

13. Right now I would do anything for one of those walks with my Poppy for ice cream...

1 comment:

imaginary binky said...

Haha! That reminds me of that scene from "Mommy Dearest" when Christina Darling says to one of Joan Crawford's suitors, "Here you go. I know how to make drinks for all of my uncles."