Astral projection is the act of separating the astral body from the physical body. Normally, this occurs as part of the sleep process, usually at the deepest dream level. It also can occur in a trance state. When the person is conscious of this separation, it is called conscious astral projection. The separation also is called Etheric Projection or Out-of-the-Body Traveling. To be conscious of this act or event is a highly sought after goal in neo-Paganism.
Now I've seen some pretty freaky stuff in my life time. I have very good reasons for never wanting to get near a Ouija board. To this day I don't understand why they are sold in the TOY SECTION They are FAR from being toys!! Anyway I digress. I've heard some people call it dream hopping too. Think Freddy without the hand full of knives and blood and death and all I guess that's why the Nighhtmare on Elm Street Movies always intrigued me.
Anyway if you are going to do this I suggest some Flying Ointment as well. Definitely some good stuff...which remonds me I need to make some....
(Ok I thought I posted this last night but it was saved as a draft instead. That's what happens when friend's cars break down in front of your house I guess)
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