Monday, February 4, 2008

Six things about me

I've been tagged it seems by Linda at Straight up and Slightly Dirty So...let's see what I can come up with here...

But first, the rules:

  1. Link to the person that tagged you

  2. Post the rules on your blog

  3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself

  4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs

  5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website

  1. I love to build things. It's usually a race in my house between my husband and I to see who's going to put something together.

  2. Despite having been out of NYC for years I still consider that my "home town" Even if I don't have the accent anymore

  3. I have more guy friends then girl friends. Just the way it's always been for some reason.

  4. I used to collect Unicorns. Having children they have slowly been broken over the years and my once vast collection has dwindled.

  5. I listen to just about anything when it comes to music

  6. I would like one more child...I would prefer a girl but honestly just want a healthy one. (I'm severly outnumbered in my house right now

Well I think everyone I would have tagged has been tagged So I'm going to tag Sadie at Redefining Perfect


Casdok said...

You can come round here and biuld to your hearts content!!

Linda said...

Nice list! Thanks for doing the meme! I collect unicorns too - well, I should say I have one handmade, silver, coin size pendant and I'm always trying to find earrings to go with it... I should just quit.