Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tools of the Trade - Bolline

Quoted from Wiccan Glade. I personally don't have one. I would love one to be able to cut herbs and such with but just like with the Athame I just haven't found one that's called to me yet.

The Bolline or White-Handled knife as it is now known, is the practical knife of the craft. Traditionally, it was used to harvest herbs and had a blade in the form of a small "crescent". Today, it is normally a simple knife used for cutting and carving. It has a white handle to differentiate it from the Athame, which usually has a black handle and is used only for magickal purposes. The bolline is used to cut wands and herbs, to mark and carve candles with symbols and to cut cords for use in magick. Any other ritual function requiring the use of a knife, such as cutting flowers for the altar, can be performed with the bolline.

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