Saturday, February 2, 2008

Wishcraft at it's Finest.

We've all heard the saying "be careful what you wish for" Many don't realize that Wishcraft is very real. Anything you day is putting it out there for the God and Goddess to say "Hmm...should we do something about this"

Well yesterday was a shining example of Wishcraft. I was talking with Sadie in email and I had just sent her an email that said 'I didn't want to be at work and I wish I had a way to go home early'. Well no sooner did I hit send within 2 minutes my cell phone starts ringing. Daycare had had a small fire and the kids needed to be picked up. Now normally I would have called my hubby and asked him to go get him, but I had the car seat and they needed the kids picked up quick they had been evacuated out of the building and the Century 21 people next door were gracious enough to let them keep the kids there until we could all get there.

So they aren't kidding when they say be careful what you wish for. You may very well get it...just not in the way you had hoped.

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