Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Top Thirteen Insense

1. Dragon's Blood - It's a scent dear not really the blood of Dragons.
2. Vanilla - It's simple and clean. Have always loved it
3. Cinnamon - I'm a cinnamon addict...I can't help it.
4. Lavendar - It's very calming and soothing.
5. Sage - Yeah I'm weird I like the smell of sage...reminds me of house cleansings
6. Frankincense - Very earthy scent
7. Sandalwood Another Earthy scent. I used to burn this constantly
8. Patchouli - Another one I really like. Both insense and the fresh herb
9. Eucalyptus
10. Lilac - Again another soothing one
11. Clove - I've always loved the scent
12. Ginger - Again always have liked it
13. Chamomile

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