Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tools of the Trade - Other Witches

Ok just like last week I know some of you might be saying HUH?? How are other witches a tool. Well as I learned myself lately. Sometimes we need someone to bounce something off of. Sometimes we need to talk something out. Just because a witch is a Solitarty practitioner doesn't mean you can't talk to other wiches.

Last night is a perfect example. I've been struggling to sort out and understand the messages I'm getting...so I called Sadie and we sat down and talked through it. Granted I think I had her falling out of her chair laughing so hard at one of my dreams but hey I gave her a good laugh. While I may not agree with everything her reading said or want to see it come to pass right now...it did help that we could work through it together.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Manic Monday

Yeah it's Monday again...Still trying to get back to my old self...but some Card readings from my BF Sadie helped a lil...Although her Goddess card Cordelia and I may need to have a chat about some of the things she's telling us...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Saturday, February 23, 2008

One Year Older

Yup that's me...this witch is one year older today. Spent it with my boys. Day didn't start out so hot but got better as the day went on. We watched the Last Mimsy and Eragon (again...that's what happens when you let the 5 year old pick)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Lunar Eclipse Part 2

Hubby came home and the clouds had parted so that you could see it. The pictures are crappy...but here they are.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Top Thirteen Insense

1. Dragon's Blood - It's a scent dear not really the blood of Dragons.
2. Vanilla - It's simple and clean. Have always loved it
3. Cinnamon - I'm a cinnamon addict...I can't help it.
4. Lavendar - It's very calming and soothing.
5. Sage - Yeah I'm weird I like the smell of sage...reminds me of house cleansings
6. Frankincense - Very earthy scent
7. Sandalwood Another Earthy scent. I used to burn this constantly
8. Patchouli - Another one I really like. Both insense and the fresh herb
9. Eucalyptus
10. Lilac - Again another soothing one
11. Clove - I've always loved the scent
12. Ginger - Again always have liked it
13. Chamomile

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

Well I was hoping to get a glimpse of the Lunar eclipse tonight but it doesn't see like the weather is going to cooperate too much. It's cold and windy and cloudy outside at the moment. Which doesn't lead to much visability out there. Hopefully I'll get to see the next one.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tools of the Trade - Your intent

So it may sound weird to have this listed for a "Tool" so to speak. Many don't really see it that way. But one thing I've learned over and over again is everything is based on your intent. If your heart isn't in it. Don't expect it to work. It also goes along with Be careful what you wish for. I said over and over again I needed a break. That break came...and not in the form I would have liked it to come.

The bottom line is you have to want it...for the right reasons for it to work like you want it to. Your intent is what puses your spells and prayers further.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Not a lot to report...

Still dealing with Vertigo here. Went back to the doctor and I'm on some different meds and out of work until at least the rest of this week. If anyone has any suggestions I'm all for hearing them.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Still spinning

Yeah nothing has changed here...still trying to stop spinning

Friday, February 15, 2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Well apparently I have vertigo and sitting up makes it feel like the world is spinning out of control so short and sweet right now. Hopefully this will stop and I can post something insightful

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

One Year ago.

Was one Year ago I started frantically working with my pendulum, praying, lighting candles and generally begging the God and Goddess to give me a different answer. One year ago my best friend Sadie's Daughter started coughing. From there their world dropped out from underneath them as the reality of what was really going on with K worked its way into their lives. I think my pendulum got severly ticked off at me because I kept repeating the question over and over again to be sure. But it always came back the same.

You want to know the part that sucks the most from my end? That I'm several states and approximately a 12 hour drive away and can't do a damn thing about it. I had always wanted to learn Reiki...but the various things that Sadie has had to endure with all the tests and therapies pushed me harder to learn so that I could send healing energy to those two sweet little angels (and their Momma as well because I know she needs it too. Basically so that I could do something to help. Being that far apart from your best friend and not being able to help when they need it just plain sucks!

Well Sadie is starting a fundraiser for CFF and I want to help by spreading the word. I know we have a few that read both of our journals and some that just read one or another. Now we never actually see the money it goes directly to CFF through Change.org So please...if you can spare anything...please donate to this worthy cause. Yes I know it says in my daughter's name...but it's the widget Sadie made up :p

Donate at Change.org

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tools of the Trade - Bolline

Quoted from Wiccan Glade. I personally don't have one. I would love one to be able to cut herbs and such with but just like with the Athame I just haven't found one that's called to me yet.

The Bolline or White-Handled knife as it is now known, is the practical knife of the craft. Traditionally, it was used to harvest herbs and had a blade in the form of a small "crescent". Today, it is normally a simple knife used for cutting and carving. It has a white handle to differentiate it from the Athame, which usually has a black handle and is used only for magickal purposes. The bolline is used to cut wands and herbs, to mark and carve candles with symbols and to cut cords for use in magick. Any other ritual function requiring the use of a knife, such as cutting flowers for the altar, can be performed with the bolline.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Just another Manic Monday

Yup that was the extent of today. got up...worked. Went to Belly Dance Class....worked some more...came home. I felt off all morning and didn't realize until I went to change for class that I had forgotten my amethyst bracelet that I always wear. I thought I had lost it which would have killed me. Miss Elise gave it to me the day we met. She is one of the neatest women I have ever met :) Anyway when I got home there it was clear as day and I feel a little better

Now if I could just get the ringing in my ear to stop. It's driving me batty

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Friday, February 8, 2008


Lots going on right now so I'm a tad distracted. Hopfeully more over the weekend.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Well I'd thought I'd jump on the Thursday Thirteen bandwagon that seems so popular. Hey everyone is doing it right??

This week I think I'll do some of my favorite Gems...

  1. Blue Lace Agate

  2. Amethyst

  3. Citrine

  4. Quartz Points

  5. Red Jasper

  6. Onyx

  7. Rose Quartz

  8. Tiger's Eye

  9. Jade

  10. Smoky Qyartz

  11. Moonstone

  12. Black Obsidian

  13. Snowflake Obsidian

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Crazy 8's

Crazy 8’s Meme
(a re-post for newbies)

Tagged by: Sadie at Redefining perfect

8 Things I’m Passionate About
1) My kids.

2) My Family in general

3) My hubby...my greenman. He is my other half in every sense

4) My friends. Those close by and those far away. They are very important to me.

5) Dance. I danced from the time I was little and had to give it up because of my knees. I've started Belly Dancing now and my love for dancing is coming back.

6) The First Tee. No I don't play golf...but my kids do and The First Tee provides affordable classes and lessons for any child that wants to learn.

7) My crafts, I'm a craftaholic...what can I say I love making stuff

8. IEPs and the Speical Ed programs at School. they help kids more then people realize.

8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1) Meet Sadie in person. It's going to happen. We just have to get the logistics worked out. (Salem baby!!)

2) Disney Trip. Need the money...but want to be able to take the kids there.

3) Watch my kids grow up and watch them fall in love and get married and have kids.

4) Go on a real honeymoon with the hubby.

5) Travel. I want to go overseas and see the sistine Chapel and see the Mona Lisa up close...well as close as you can get. I want to see the countryside of Ireland.

6) Own my own store. Yes I know exactly what I want...

7) Find a way to work at home so that I have more time with my kids.

8. To be able to live life to the fullest.

8 Things I Say Often:
1) And this is different then when?
2) I really don't want to be here this morning.
3) Good night...I love you....sweet dreams... (echoed by the kids as I shut their door at night)
4) Because I said so
5) No
6) Is all of your homework done?
7) *giggle* (I either type it or do it)
8) lol again typed mostly

8 Books I’ve read recently:
1) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7), J.K. Rowling
2) Rue The Day (Undercover Heir, Book 1), Cat Muldoon.
3) Belladonna - Anne Bishop
4) Sebastian - Anne Bishop
6) Dead as a doornail - Charlaine Harris
7) Harry Potter books 1 -6...lol
8. A book on trains (It was a library book for P

8 Songs I Could Listen To Over And Over:
1) Right here waiting - Staind
2) You Make Me Remember - Leah Andreone (I love all of her music, really…)
3) Split Screen Saddness - John Mayer (really just about anything John Mayer. The fact that he's Yummy is just an added bonus)
4) Wind on the water - Crosby still nash
5) Bless The Broken Road - Rascal Flatts
6) Wytches Chant - Inkubus Sukkubus
7) Slow Dancing in a Burning Room - John Mayer
8) Into the night - Santana with Chad Kroeger

8 Things That Attract Me To My Best Friends:
1) They are honest with me.
2) They’re not afraid to hurt my feelings with that honesty
3) They listen to me bitch.
4) They’re hilarious - whether they realize it or not.
5) Each of them would give you the shirt off their back if you needed it.
6) They smack me when needed (which from time to time is often)
7) They put up with my sometimes extremely odd sense of humor…and moods.
8) They stick with me no matter what…and are honest about when I’m just being a bitch.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tools of the trade - Athame

The Athame(pronounced "a-thAM-ay" or "ATH-a-may") in the simpilest definition is a ritual knife. Again one of the more personal items that you would pick. I don't have one yet. I haven't found one that speaks to me and says "pick me pick me" I just haven't had that happen yet. It's also one of the tools that require the most care. You remember all those accidents that were happening when the new Wii came out and the straps weren't holding the controlers to people's hands? Um...there is no strap here...so you need to be very careful how you use it. Weilding it around and yelling "By the power of Greyskull"...not really a good idea.

The athame is associated with the element of fire and the direction South. You can use it for casting a cirle, some people use it for initiations, handfastings. In my opinion it's all personal preference. That's one of the wonderful things about this religion. There are basics like the Rede. But a lot of things are what you are comfortable with and what "fits" with you.

Now that being said I do agree that if it is a ritual tool then it should be used for that purpose only and nothing else. You don't want to cast a circle and then later that night try and carve a roast with it.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Six things about me

I've been tagged it seems by Linda at Straight up and Slightly Dirty So...let's see what I can come up with here...

But first, the rules:

  1. Link to the person that tagged you

  2. Post the rules on your blog

  3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself

  4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs

  5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website

  1. I love to build things. It's usually a race in my house between my husband and I to see who's going to put something together.

  2. Despite having been out of NYC for years I still consider that my "home town" Even if I don't have the accent anymore

  3. I have more guy friends then girl friends. Just the way it's always been for some reason.

  4. I used to collect Unicorns. Having children they have slowly been broken over the years and my once vast collection has dwindled.

  5. I listen to just about anything when it comes to music

  6. I would like one more child...I would prefer a girl but honestly just want a healthy one. (I'm severly outnumbered in my house right now

Well I think everyone I would have tagged has been tagged lately...lol So I'm going to tag Sadie at Redefining Perfect

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Wishcraft at it's Finest.

We've all heard the saying "be careful what you wish for" Many don't realize that Wishcraft is very real. Anything you day is putting it out there for the God and Goddess to say "Hmm...should we do something about this"

Well yesterday was a shining example of Wishcraft. I was talking with Sadie in email and I had just sent her an email that said 'I didn't want to be at work and I wish I had a way to go home early'. Well no sooner did I hit send within 2 minutes my cell phone starts ringing. Daycare had had a small fire and the kids needed to be picked up. Now normally I would have called my hubby and asked him to go get him, but I had the car seat and they needed the kids picked up quick they had been evacuated out of the building and the Century 21 people next door were gracious enough to let them keep the kids there until we could all get there.

So they aren't kidding when they say be careful what you wish for. You may very well get it...just not in the way you had hoped.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Recipe - Imbolc Ritual Cake

Imbolc Ritual Cake

13/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup water
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 tbs. poppyseeds
1 tbs. grated lemon peel
1 tsp. baking soda
2 tbs. lemon juice
1/2 tsp. salt
powdered sugar

This is all done in one pan, so clean up is a breeze! Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix flour, sugar, poppy seeds, baking soda, and salt with a fork in an ungreased 9"x9"x2" baking pan. Stir in the remaining ingredients, except the powdered sugar. Bake 35-40 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out clean, and the top is golden brown. Remove from oven and cool. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Makes 8 servings.