Saturday, March 22, 2008


Well it was a nice calm and pretty much peaceful Ostara here. The boys and I dyed eggs on Thursday night. I actually remembered to get my jar of water out to make Moon Water in. I've left it out there for a few nights and I'll get it in the morning. I have some things I want to cleanse with it. Today was a nice peaceful day for me. It felt good. It felt calm. Now lets see what the God and Goddess have instore for us...

This time of year is about change...about coming out of your shell. About new beginnings. I have the good fortune of sharing a new oppotunity with a friend. I spoke to her tonight and we hadn't talked in quite some tiem. I can't say it was any one person's's just how life gets. I could have picked up the phone and called...or texted...or emailed...something. It is my fault for not doing that. But she is about to start a new chapter in her life. She's moving closer to me (1 hour vs. about 12 hours) and I'm looking forward to having her closer. Hopefully this new chapter will go as she wants it to. Only time will tell


Anonymous said...

Blessed Ostara! What a nice gift to have a friend moving so much closer to you. I have a couple of friends who live far away and I would love it if one of them did the same.

Newrose said...

Thank you so much Mama Kelly. I couldn't agree more. Not a day goes by that i don't wish my best friend lived closer. Maybe someday that wish will come true.