Monday, March 10, 2008

*pulls out the dusting supplies*

Yeah I haven't updated a lot lately. Haven't been feeling all that great and have had a ton of stuff on my mind. I really want to get back into the swing of things. There's a lot going on in this household at the moment. Been a slightly stressful day.

Hubby's computer stopped working a few weeks ago...well we had a spare so he was using that. It went belly up today. We are trying a relaod and we'll see how that goes...the kids are anxious for Spring Break and I'm anxious for Ostara coming up. There's been a little bit of cleaning here and there trying to get the old out type stuff.

I did some spellwork with my best friend this week (researh my rear-end my dear. Cannot be called that any longer)and I felt a little better afterwards. I was accepted to Blog Her Ads so that shall be going up shortly :)

In the mean time...I leave you with this peep show...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

No really...RESEARCH. Seriously! I swear it!

And those dirty dirty peeps. *gasp* I'm in shock!