Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Well I'm having trouble coming up with a list for this week so I'm going to go with a To-do list of sorts.
  1. Continue research on the differences between Zen Cart and oscommerce for the stores (yes that says stores) It's looking like Zen cart though
  2. Work on the redesign for Newrose Naturals and get things set up there for complete overhaul.
  3. Look into add-on domains in hte hosting account so that we can share hosting for the 2 stores
  4. Get better so I can get 3rd degree Usui Master Reiki attunement from Tara.
  5. Find some way to coax muses out of hiding. Books do not write themselves
  6. Finish various craft projects (knitting/sewing/crossstitch)
  7. Clean the house
  8. Cleanse the house
  9. Redo Protection spells and strengthen the ones in place
  10. Take stock for soap supplies
  11. Work on recipies both ritual and otherwise
  12. Decide which recipie for Flying ointment to use and make a batch
  13. Make the Witch Jar and place it in the attic

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Wait...books don't write themselves?! DAMN, I've been going about this all wrong then :P