Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tools of the Trade - Your Alter

Alters come in all shapes and sizes. Your Alter is where you will most likely do the majority of your spellwork, maybe even your meditating. Again like most things it's all in what feels right to you. And also how open you are about your chosen path. Some Witch's are still firmly locked inside their broom closet and outside the people in their home they don't tell anyone that they are a Witch. Others might be very open and way out of the broom closet and everyone they know, knows that they are a Witch. Me personally...I'm somewhere in the middle. It would kill my Grandmother who is a devout Roman Catholic to hear I'm pagan.

Your alter can be something as simple as a TV Tray or something more elaborate. I once knew a Witch that her Alter was an elaborately carved box....kind of like a footlocker only bigger and prettier. I've known Witches that have used a bookshelf to cleverly disguise what the actual purpose was. One of my favorites is I know someone who has an old dresser. They sanded it down and refinished it the way they wanted it and use the drawers for storage of their supplies. Heck I've seen people just go on the fly where ever they happen to be. I've been known to do that...especially if I'm outdoors.

Me personally. I have an old vanity table that was handed down to me with a little bench. It has some drawers that I keep small candles in and some other small supplies and then it has a mirror top on it.

As with most things Witchy I've come to find it's all about your personal preference...


Sarah said...

Hmmm...a bookshelf. What a CLEVER idea.

*runs away giggling madly*

Nydia said...

Hello! You have a cool blog, and I loved this post. My altar is in te kitchen, on a marble shelf, and and I reallly think it doesn't matter how it is, elaborated or not, as long as it fits your soul. :) I also wrote something about it at my place (http://bringingupsalamanders.blogspot.com/2008/02/our-altar.html), if you want to read it. I just added your blog to my list. Have a great day. Kisses from Nydia, Brazil.