Monday, May 19, 2008

Manic Monday

yes Today was just another Manic Monday. Well okay not really. Tonight I got my Usui Master Reiki Attunement. That in and of itself was intense and led to me getting a better glimpse of a spirit guide of mine. She is beautiful, powerful and I feel extremely safe with her as one of my guides. I know I have a few others but they have not completely revealed themselves to me as of yet. They will when they are ready.

After that I did a protection spell on my house...with another another state. Amazing what technology can Between the two of us we came up with a great spell (ok she pretty much wrote the whole thing...I gave the first two Similar ingredients...a kick ass spell...some moon water...and OMG what a rush.

While I have been a solitary witch for the majority of my journey it was wonderful to have another witch to share it with. To know that the power that came out of the two of us to protect our families near and far came from our love for them and each other. I'm definitely looking forward to more rituals together...even if we are a few states away from each other

Blessed Be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. And YAY!