Saturday, May 17, 2008

Some people don't think when they design something

I was debating on posting this or not and decided to do it. My hubby calls me over to his computer to show me something and after I picked my jaw up I couldn't stop laughing. If this offends anyone...well all I can say is oh well. It's funny...get over it.

Now what were they thinking when they made this?


Momisodes said...

Oh boy...I hope they don't have THAT on the wall in Sunday school.

Princess New York said...


This is the best thing ever.

(And I don't know about you but I get a little secret pleasure out of seeing a cultural artifact manifest from our collective [un]conscious.) I will be sure to point friends here.

Newrose said...

lol Sandy the sad thing is I'm pretty sure we HAD this in my kindergarden class when I went to Catholic school.

A Mom Two Boys said...

That cracks me UP! Love it.