Tuesday, May 27, 2008

We're Movin on up...

....to the east side...

Ok well not really but I am moving. Not physically. NOOOOOOOOOOO don't that enough in the past year I'm staying put here for quite some time. I have like Blogger a lot in the time I've been here. But there are some features that aren't here that a Wordpress blog does have. I want to be able to keep certain eyes from peering at what I'm writing (My ex is a PITA!!!) There are things I have wanted to blog about that I haven't been able to do so because of that reason. Some posts will be password protected... I don't anticipate a lot of them...but they could be there.

So without further adieu my new home is....


Please update your bookmarks if I'm lucky enough to be there as well as any blogrolls :)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Manic Monday

Well today is really a Manic Monday. The kids are home from school. Tomorrow is Hubby's birthday and we are celebrating it today at my MIL's house with friends and family. We are getting things together to head over their shortly. Hopefully the weather will hold out so that all the kids can run around in MIL's huge backyard.

I will be answering the two sets of questions that were left for me this week along with anymore that might be posted before I answer them.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day and please remember the real reason for this holiday

RIP Sgt Howard Paul Allen and many others that have gone before us.

Blessed Be

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ask me anything

Well since joinging things like BlogHerAds, and all the lovely ladies at AllMediocre I'm getting more people here that are reading that aren't necessarily pagan. So I thought I would open this up. Ask me anything! Yes Anything. Now I reserve the right to refuse to answer any question. But I doubt there will be anything that outrageous that I need to refuse it :) I know a lot of things about being a witch can leave people with a resounding feeling of huh?

Just thought I would open this up to possibly dispell some of the rumors :) You can post them here or email me. Whichever you prefer.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Funny religious signs or cartoons

Let me preface this by saying it's all a JOKE. I'm not serious with any of the comments sometimes you just need to be sarcastic and today is that day.


OH NO!! There will be no giving up bacon...not on my watch.


Something tells me he got the short end of the...err...stick there.


How to tell if a Catholic is driving too fast..


Hmmm didn't realize free thinking caused your brains to fall out.


No Committee huh? (sorry can't come up with a wise ass crack for this one)


But but but...it can be SO much fun


Free Coffee AND Everlasting life? Wow...do we get a toaster too?


Hmmm does he believe in the fat in my ass? If not then can we get rid of it please since it obviously doesn't exist.


See I much prefer the be really nice to them just so you can sit back and watch them go WTF?


The bible? Just open the morning paper and that's enough to scare the shit out of anyone lately.


Hmmm too many comments could go with this one...


Google doesn't know everything? hmmm...what about Wikipedia?


Hmmm Some people prefer Target does that help any?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What in the world is Reiki?

Ok so I've gotten a few questions about what the heck Reiki is. The best way I've described it to my parents and a few others at least is as a Reiki Practitioner you are essentially an energy Chiropractor...lol

Here is the Wikipedia explanation of it for you:

Reiki (霊気 or レイキ, Reiki? IPA: /ˈreɪkiː/) is a spiritual practice[1] used as a complementary therapy[2] developed in 1922 by Mikao Usui. After three weeks of fasting and meditating on Mount Kurama, in Japan, Usui claimed to receive the ability of 'healing without energy depletion'.[3] Practitioners use a technique similar to the laying on of hands, which they say will channel "healing energy" (called "ki") through their palms.[4] [5] Neither the existence of ki nor any mechanism for its manipulation are scientifically accepted, and the evidence base does not support the efficacy of reiki, or its recommendation for use in treatment.[6

Last night I received my Usui III Master level attunement. No this doesn't mean I'm some spiritual guide or anything. Just that I have reached the master level in the training. I am also a Master of Isis Blue Moon Reiki (there are hundreds of kinds of reiki but Usui is the basis.) What it does mean is after I am done "processing the attunement" (it takes you a little while to get used to the new energy) That I will be able to pass on and teach Reiki to others, something I very much look forward to.

There are a lot of people that will say it's a bunch of bologna but being someone who has received attunements and treatments and know others that I have I believe in it strongly.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Manic Monday

yes Today was just another Manic Monday. Well okay not really. Tonight I got my Usui Master Reiki Attunement. That in and of itself was intense and led to me getting a better glimpse of a spirit guide of mine. She is beautiful, powerful and I feel extremely safe with her as one of my guides. I know I have a few others but they have not completely revealed themselves to me as of yet. They will when they are ready.

After that I did a protection spell on my house...with another witch...in another state. Amazing what technology can do...lol Between the two of us we came up with a great spell (ok she pretty much wrote the whole thing...I gave the first two lines...lol) Similar ingredients...a kick ass spell...some moon water...and OMG what a rush.

While I have been a solitary witch for the majority of my journey it was wonderful to have another witch to share it with. To know that the power that came out of the two of us to protect our families near and far came from our love for them and each other. I'm definitely looking forward to more rituals together...even if we are a few states away from each other

Blessed Be.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

No winners

Again no winner, just did not have my camera out this past week. I did however clean my kitchen to within an inch of it's life...lol It needed it badly. Not saying it was filthy...just cluttered. The tupperware cabinet had exploded...kids papers and projects were on the counters and table. All of it was cleaned up and I am a much happier witch :)

Full Moon is tomorrow and I am getting my Usui Master Reiki attunement tomorrow night. I can't wait!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Some people don't think when they design something

I was debating on posting this or not and decided to do it. My hubby calls me over to his computer to show me something and after I picked my jaw up I couldn't stop laughing. If this offends anyone...well all I can say is oh well. It's funny...get over it.

Now what were they thinking when they made this?

Friday, May 16, 2008

My first official Rant

Amazingly enough I haven't really ranted on my blog about religious things. Being as I know there are people from various backgrounds and religions that read here, I don't want to ofend anyone...even if it is my blog. I know I haven't done a Tools of the Trade post lately and honestly I was running out of tools...lol Once I get the blog moved I will start them again but probably on a once a month basis.

Anyway, witches have a TON of tools that are available to them. But that's the thing. They are TOOLS not TOYS!! Now any other time or any other item I would probably be bouncing up and down that this was done. But not this one. As some of you know I am a HUGE fan of anything done by Joss Wheadon. If it was done by Joss most likely we have it in this house. Particuarly if it is related to Buffy or Angel. (Takes a moment to bow to the master Joss) This I'm not so happy about. They have created a Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Conversations with Dead People” Board It's a Ouija board. Ok yeah I admit they were clever with the whole "conversations with dead people" part but to sell this as a toy?? It always boggled my mind that they sold these blasted things in the toy section of a store.

Ok now I know I just felt some of you roll your eyes but keep in mind this is my religion and my beliefs. But I have been that kids that messed around with one of those and did not like the results AT ALL! This is no toy. It REALLY DOES WORK! And if you contact the wrong people you and a lot of people you love and care about could be in for a world of hurt. I know some of you believe in ghosts despite your other beliefs this is along the same lines. You really don't want to mess with these things if you don't know what you are doing. Heck I have a slight clue what I'm doing and I still don't even want to think about messing with it.

Bottom line you have to be responsible with the tools you are using and what these people are doing is totally irrisponsible in my opinion.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen things I'm thinking about other then blogging right now

1. My garden, wish we had the money to do what I want with it. It will have to wait a little while longer

2. Family trip/honeymoon the first week of July. A week away from everything at the beach

3. My meeting yesterday went amazing. I feel so good about what's coming there (sorry really can't elaborate because of prying exes and their spies and all that)

4. I really need finish the blankets I'm knitting.

5. The cards can't always be right and no matter how hard it is you have to accept it

6. Tomorrow I get to feel like a teenager all over again.

7. I want to belly dance!!

8. This weather really needs to make up it's mind. 80 one day 50 the next. Whoever pissed off Mother Nature could you please apologize so it will stop.

9. My creative muse needs to come back and be consistent....the here today gone tomorrow is frustrating

10. Looking forward to my Reiki Master Attunement

11. I seriously need to clean my desk it's slowly disappearing again

12. Have an INSANE need to go to the Indy area

13. Letting go of the cards being wrong is hard.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Monday, May 12, 2008

New Layout and New Link

Soon there will be a new layout and a new Link for my little home on the web. Sadie talked me into going to Wordpress. Trust me I was fighting her hard on that one since it entailed learning a new way of coding if I was going to get the layout I wanted and getting it to look the way I wanted it. And I REALLY like how easy Blogger is. Slowly but surely it came together with much help from my Sadiekins After that I will work on my other blog that I hinted at a few weeks ago. For personal reasons I have been putting that one off, but it will happen as another Wordpress blog.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Again no weekly winners here. I didn't take any pictures this week. But Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's out there. I hope you all had a wonderful day!

Friday, May 9, 2008

My Wooden Spoon Giveaway

Yup I'm back again to plug another My Wooden spoon giveaway :) This time the lovely Lori has a few items in her giveaway.

Prize Details: 1 Kitchenaid Professional Cheese & Food Mill. 2 blades are included–Course Grating Blade for nuts, coconut, and eggs. Fine Grating Blade for cheese, garlic, spices, breadcrumbs, dry herbs, etc. You basically put your stuff in it and do a little twisting action! Viola, your stuff is grated:) The cookbook is called Cooking USA- 50 Favorite Recipes from Across America. This has great recipes with some fun facts about each state. You also get 3 dish towels. 2 darker red, striped ones and 1 tan striped one and of course, you get a wooden spoon;)

You definitely need to check out Lori's site for all the yummy and delicious recipies she has and not just her giveaways :)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Yeah I'm a tad brain fried at the moment so I'm following along with Sadie and Rhoni. Doean't matter how far south I go in my heart NYC is home.

Thirteen things I miss about home:

1. The pizza. I'm sorry there is nothing like a REAL NY pie. We have a few places here and there scattered throughout VA that come close. I guess it helps that most of them are owned and run by guys who used to live in NYC so at least I get something close to it.

2. Carvel. I don't mean the stuf you get in the freezer section of the grocery store. Again I mean a REAL Carvel store. Where you could get a flying saucer made fresh. We had one right around the corener from my grandparent's house.

3. The Subway. Yeah never thought I would say that. I miss mass transportation. We could get anywhere we wanted to in the city that way and if the train didn't get there. There was usually a connecting bus.

4. Nathan's HotDogs and Fries. Yes again I know I can get Nathan's in a store now and they are pretty good. But again....wasn't home.

5. Coney Island. I'm sure this one really speaks for itself...lol

6. Broadway. I miss going to shows. I would spend my summers between Long Island and Manhattan and my Aunt and Grandmother would take me to shows.

7. More specifically. The Winter Garden Theater. The first show I ever saw was Cats in that theater.

8. Rockerfeller Center - Especially at Christmas time. Seeing the tree all lit up. One day I want to take the kids back up there to see it.

9. White Castle. Are they good for me? No. But oh did I love them as a kid. I can't wait for our trip up North for my Grandfather's 90th Birthday party. There is one right around the corner from my cousin's house where we are going to be. Not supposed to eat them...but I honestly don't care....lol

10. The Parades: St, Patrick's Day, The Macy's Parade, The Thanksgiving Parade. Yeah I know I can watch them on TV...but not the same as freezing your ass off watching it.

11. HOCKEY! You haven't seen a hockey game until you've seen it in Madison Square Garden. Here...we have the Caps...Nothing can replace the NY teams for me though.

12. My Grandparents. The remaining pair that I have still live in the same place after all these years. Even though we beg them to move they just won't do it. I talk to them once a week but it's not the same as seeing them all the time like I used to.

13. The hardest one of all. I took this picture my Freshman year of High School with one of those crappy disposable cameras while we were on a class trip. It's from the deck of the Circle Line Cruise ship. If I had known then...I would have taken a lot more and a lot better pictures.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Wooden Spoon Giveaways

I know I know...you are thinking 'Didn't she blog about this LAST week?' But hey it's a new week so there is a new giveaway. I HIGHLY suggest you check it out. This week she's giving away a Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer She is doing weekly giveaways over there and then throwing a few in here and there as she goes I mean come on. Who can't use a Kitchen Aid??

Also check out the other yummy recipies and the like over at her site. She has become one of my favorite reads each day.

Kids Say the darndest things...

You they aren't kidding when they say kids just say whatever is on their mind and it's usually the most honest response they have. Well I'm stealing Rhoni's plan with using children as filler :)

As I mentioned yesterday we had a family funeral last week. My Brother in Law's mother passed away. Well I arrived at the funeral home while hubby and R went to MILs to set up for the reception afterwards. I walk in and say hi to SIL and the the kids. (SIL has 2 6 year old twin girls and a 4 year old boy.)

Anyway I walk up to my BIL and KR(one of the twins) and gave him a hug and looked down at KR holding a large note card. It went something like this:

me: "What'cha got there babygirl?"
KR: "I'm writing a song for my Grandma" (she hands me card to read as she glances at the casket we are standing next to)
me: (I start reading the card)
KR leans in close to me and acts like she's going to whisper but it kinda loud as she points to the casket "She's the one in the case"

At this point BIL and I are staring at each other trying our hardest not to burst out laughing. I mean come on...how brutally honest is that. To a 6 year old that's exactly what it was.

Fast forward to the reception. A few of us are sitting around talking and one one of the girls there asks how I've been feeling. Well R the dear son of mine that he is comes walking through the room, "Eh Mommy doesn't get out much" *rolls eyes* Yeah gotta love kids

Monday, May 5, 2008

Manic Monday

Well first of all. WOW I managed to post the entire week and not miss a day. For me lately that's amazing. Wasn't feeling very motivated to post despite Sadie prodding me nightly to do so. Was just the general feeling of blah and I guess I didn't want to pass that on.

Anyway last week seems like a whirlwind with Beltane and a Funeral (BILs Mom passed) and Free Comic book day. Hoping this week is sorta chilled out. Other then that all is calm at the moment. And I like calm :)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

My Wooden Spoon Giveaway

I stumbled upon this great little site called My Wooden spoon. Well they are starting 3 months of giveaway, once a week. This weeks is a CUISINART FOOD PREP PLUS PROCESSOR with a Wooden Spoon. Think about all the herbs you could chop up in that both witchy or otherwise. Anyway I highly siggest you check the site out not just for the giveaways but for everything there in genreal :)

Saturday, May 3, 2008


One of my favorite days of the year...Not quite sure why they decided Beltane weekend was a good weekend to do this. But I digress. Yeah I'm a geeky witch....what can I tell ya. Free Comics...a look at some upcoming titles. And comics are not necessarily what you might think anymore. There are a lot more comics geared towards adults then kids. Trust me...I would not let my son read the "current" Superhero comics. They have a section of those that are just for their ages. Today's superhero comics deal with more adult things. Then again...some of them also teach. What they are calling a "graphic novel" is really a comic in a bigger book. We just ordered the history of Nat Turner for my oldest for Christmas because he just LOVES history and that's what they are studying now. They have also transformed a lot of old classics into graphic novels to try and get kids to read them. Anyway...if you have a local comic shop I would check it out and see if they are holding free comic book day there :)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Beltane - Lemon Bread

Lemon Bread
Bring the tart and juicy flavor of lemon to your Beltane table.

Ingredients: 6 tablespoons unsalted butter or stick margarine, softened
1 cup light brown sugar, firmly packed
2 large eggs, beaten
1/4 cup sour cream or organic yogurt
1 tablespoon grated lemon zest
2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon fine sea salt
1/3 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

1/3 cup superfine granulated sugar
Juice of 1 lemon

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease an 8 1/2-inch loaf pan. Cream together the butter and brown sugar in a mixing bowl. Beat in eggs and mix well. Add the sour cream and lemon zest, and beat until smooth.

In a separate bowl combine the flour, baking powder, and sea salt. Add the dry ingredients to the wet, and mix well. Fold in chopped nuts, if desired. Spoon the batter into the greased loaf pan, and bake for about 50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center emerges clean.

Remove the bread from the oven, and make tiny holes in the top with a toothpick.

In a glass measuring cup whisk together the granulated sugar and lemon juice, until the sugar is dissolved. Slowly pour the lemon glaze on top of the loaf while it is still warm, allowing the glaze to seep into the bread. Set the loaf on a rack to cool for about 15 minutes. Turn it out of the pan and cool completely.

Makes 1 loaf.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen facts about Beltane

1. April 30th also known as Roodmas or May Day. Beltane has long been celebrated with feasts and rituals. Beltane means fire of Bel; Belinos being one name for the Sun God, whose coronation feast we now celebrate. As summer begins, weather becomes warmer, and the plant world blossoms, an exuberant mood prevails.

2. In old Celtic traditions it was a time of unabashed sexuality and promiscuity where marriages of a year and a day could be undertaken but it is rarely observed in that manner in today’s times.

3. In the old Celtic times, young people would spend the entire night in the woods “A-Maying,” and then dance around the phallic Maypole the next morning. Older married couples were allowed to remove their wedding rings (and the restrictions they imply) for this one night. May morning is a magickal time for wild water (dew, flowing streams, and springs) which is collected and used to bathe in for beauty, or to drink for health.

4. The Christian religion had only a poor substitute for the life-affirming Maypole –namely the death-affirming cross. Hence, in the Christian calendar, this was celebrated as ‘Roodmas’ .

5. In Germany, it was the feast of Saint Walpurga, or Walpurgisnacht’. An alternative date around May 5 (Old Beltane), when the sun reaches 15 degrees Taurus, is sometimes employed by Covens. (Both ‘Lady Day’ and ‘Ostara’ are names incorrectly assigned to this holiday by some modern traditions of Wicca.)

6. Ancient Pagan traditions say that Beltane marks the emergence of the young God into manhood. Stirred by the energies at work in nature, he desires the Goddess. They fall in love, lie among the grasses and blossoms, and unite. The Goddess becomes pregnant of the God. To celebrate, a wedding feast, for the God and Goddess must be prepared.

7. Beltane, like Samhain, is a time of "no time" when the veils between the two worlds are at their thinnest. No time is when the two worlds intermingle and unite and the magic abounds! It is the time when the Faeries return from their winter respite, carefree and full of faery mischief and faery delight. On the night before Beltane, in times past, folks would place rowan branches at their windows and doors for protection, many otherworldly occurrences could transpire during this time of "no time". Traditionally on the Isle of Man, the youngest member of the family gathers primroses on the eve before Beltane and throws the flowers at the door of the home for protection. In Ireland it is believed that food left over from May Eve must not be eaten, but rather buried or left as an offering to the faery instead. Much like the tradition of leaving of whatever is not harvested from the fields on Samhain, food on the time of no time is treated with great care.

8. Celebration includes frolicking throughout the countryside, maypole dancing, leaping over fires to ensure fertility, circling the fire three times (sun-wise) for good luck in the coming year, athletic tournaments feasting, music, drinking, children collecting the May: gathering flowers. children gathering flowers, hobby horses, May birching and folks go a maying". Flowers, flower wreaths and garlands are typical decorations for this holiday, as well as ribbons and streamers. Flowers are a crucial symbol of Beltane, they signal the victory of Summer over Winter and the blossoming of sensuality in all of nature and the bounty it will bring.

9. The central color of Beltane is green. Green is the color of growth, abundance, plentiful harvest, abundant crops, fertility, and luck. White is another color that is customary, white brings the energies of cleansing, peace, spirituality, and the power to dispel negativity. Another color is red who brings along the qualities of energy, strength, sex, vibrancy, quickening, health, consummation and retention. Sun energy, life force and happiness are brought to Beltane by the color yellow. Blues and purples (Sagittarius energies: expansion, Good Fortune, magic, spiritual power, Success), and pinks (Venus energies). Beltane is rich in vibrant color, lighting the eyes and cheering the Spirit as we leave the dreariness of winter behind.

10. It is customary to bake a colorful fruit and spiced filled bread for festivals in the Celtic lands, traditionally this festival bread is sweet dough made with sweetmeat and spices. In Scotland they are the bannock - Bonnach Bealtain - for Beltane, in Wales - Bara Brith, Ireland it is Barm Brack and in Brittany Morlaix Brioche. For Beltane this bread was made the eve before Beltane day, is it said that the bread should not allow it to come into contact with steel during preparation (steel is harmful, deadly to the faery folk).

11. It is customary that trial unions, for a year and a day, occur at this time. More or less these were statements of intent between couples, which were not legally binding. The trial marriages (engagements) typically occurred between a couple before deciding to take a further step into a legally binding union. It seems ancient wisdom understood that one does not really know another until they have lived with them, and when you live together things change and we change, as well. With this understanding unions were entered upon, first as a test period, and then if desired, a further commitment could be taken. It through always knowing that it is only through the choice of both to remain, that the relationship exists favorably.

12. Water is another important association of Beltane, water is refreshing and rejuvenating, it is also imperative to life. It is said that if you bathe in the dew gathered before dawn on Beltane morn, your beauty will flourish throughout the year. Those who are sprinkled with May dew are insured of health and happiness. There are other folk customs such as drinking from the well before sunrise on Beltane Morn to insure good health and fortune.

13. May is the month of sensuality and sexuality revitalized, the reawakening of the earth and Her Children. It is the time when we reawaken to the vivid colors, vibrant scents, tingling summer breezes, and the rapture of summer after a long dormant winter. It is a time of extraordinary expression of earth, animal, and person a time of great enchantment and celebration. (In other words if you want to celebrate Beltane...HAVE SEX!!!)May, however, according to old folklore is not a favorable time for marriages in the legal and permanent sense. There is reference after reference in the old books of this belief, and according to my Irish grandmother, May is not the month to marry, woe is to had by those who do. I can understand the premise of this folklore, May is the Goddess and God's handfasting month, all honor would be Hers and His.