Friday, November 23, 2007

A new lesson from the Goddess

Every day lends to new lessons from the Goddess. Today was a perfect example of that. Black Friday. This was a lesson in patience and dealing with other people's energy projections and energy leeches if I've ever seen on. My Mom and I went out today to try and get some of the Christmas shopping done for the kids. We get a lot done but every year we end up asking ourselves why we do this. And we end up doing it again the next year anyway. There are always a ton of people. Which for a witch with that much energy around can be suffocating. I'm also noticing since my attunement that I'm more open to the enrgy around me. I hit my Mom and I with some Aura clearing spray before we left. By the time we finished not only was I physically tired by completley drained as well. I hit us again with the spray and then as we all sat around talking after some left over Turkey for lunch I realized that I should have had better blocks up around us. Needless to say an hour later I had fallen asleep in the chair and tok a nap. Oh least I know better for next year.

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