Friday, November 16, 2007

Recipe Friday - Crock Pot Ginger Oil

I know I wasn't planning on starting this untl next week but this one is fresh in my mind since I was reminded I need to make another batch :)I got this recipe from the Wise Woman forum. There are so many different uses for it. And some of them are listed below as posted by the original author of this Oil. The last time I made it the house smelled WONDERFUL!!!

Warm thy bones Ginger oil

2 cups fresh ginger root, cut into chunks.
3 1/2 cups XV Olive oil or Jojoba oil

Place ginger into crock pot on lowest setting, or low alternate heat setting. Cover with the Oil. Leave on for two days with monitering as not to boil or burn the oil. The cover should be left ajar to allow the evaporation of water from the ginger root.
Decant and strain your oil.
Let your oil sit in a clear mason jar for a day, and you may see some additional water - oil separation. Separate them by carefully pouring off the oil from the water, or by syphening out with a clean turkey baster.
Be sure to complete your oil so that it has no remaining water content, it will take some patience but is well worth it. You will NOT have the same glorious results by using dry root or the essential oil.

What to do with your ginger oil?

~Treat your cold feet to the warm protection and circulatory pump of ginger oil before you put your boots on for winter shoveling.
~Rub onto your woumb for supreme moontime comfort.
~Massage into stiff aching joints from dryness, fatigue, or arthritis.
~Rub into sore muscles before or after athletics
~Add to a bathful of hot water and epsom salts.
~Add it to a tamari salad dressing!
~Give it away to an aching elder
~make a ginger-eucalyptus chest rub salve
~massage congested breast tissue and lymph glands
~mix it with half glycerin for a very warm and erotic love lubricant!

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