Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tools of the trade - Color Properties

I don't know if you would consider Color Properties a "tool" per se. But I think it's important as far as dealing with Magick since they correspons to certain things. Now I'm learning with most things...everything depends on the intent. I've used white for many things...it's kind of a catch all. I've also learned that if something feels right for something and it's not the "defined" idea for that color it doesn't make it wrong...

Colors and their Magickal Meanings:


Physical Energy, Strength, Passion, Sex, Courage, Element of Fire, Career Goals, Fast Action,
Blood of the Moon, Protection, Driving Force, Love, and Survival.


Action, Ambition, Business Goals, Success, Justice, Selling, Orange is a Lesser Aspect of Red.


Passion, Money Goals, Professional Growth, Fertility in Business, and Career Maneuvers.


Wealth, The God, Safety and Power of the Male, Happiness, Playful Humor, and Promote Winning.


The Sun, Intelligence, Memory, Breaking Mental Blocks, Accelerated Learning, and Logical Imagination.


Romantic Love, Friendship, Compassion, Healing of Emotions, Peace, Affections, Caring, Nurturing, Maturity, Romance, Less Intense than Red.


Earth, Abundance, Fertility, Tree and Plant Magick, Growth, Monetary Success, Element of Earth, Personal Goals, and Healing.


Good Fortune, Opening Blocked Communication, Wisdom, Protection, Spiritual Inspiration, Calm, Reassurance, Element of Water, Creativity, and Peace.


Psychic Ability, Third Eye, Spiritual Power, Hidden Knowledge, Self Assurance,
and Symbolizes the Devine


Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Intuition, Dreams, Astral Energies, The Goddess, and Communication.


Influence Friendships, Special Favors, and Represents Soil.


Protection, Repelling, Negativity, Binding, and Shapeshifting.


Spirituality, Goddess, Peace, Higher Self, Purity, Protection, All Purposes, and
Symbolizes the Moon.

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